hmm... so disappointed.... :(
since i woke up at 8am until now, i had been trying hard to figure out how to put my blog display picture...
but then... end up with DISAPPOINTED
don't know why i just can't upload it....
i can upload my photos to my album and name card
but i just can't upload it to my blog..
so angry so frustrated so irritated so dissappointed...
hmm... i used to have a blog at 无名
but, a very very unhappy event occurred because of it
therefore i deleted 无名..
last time when i was using it, it was so easy to upload my blog photo and a song as well..
now... spent the whole night and this morning i still can't figure it out!!!! ><"
other than that, i'm trying to use SOGOU.COM to download some songs now
and i can't download the songs as well.....!!!!!!
they keep saying that the songs couldn't be saved.. WTH
哼!!我跟tracy可都是打不死的蟑螂 (yuckkkss),才没那么容易被打败呢!!!! =p
等着,我一定能成功上传我的部落格图像,还有成功下载我的亲亲Anson Hu 胡彦斌 ^^
*pls 当然还是我的宝贝蛋亲亲多一点~~呵